Dag: 3. desember 2023

Nordisk møte 2023


Hvert år samles punktskriftutvalgene fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland og Island til nordisk møte om punktskrift. I år har vi gått sammen om å formulere en felles uttalelse om punktskriftens uvurderlige betydning for oss som ikke ser. Uttalelsen blir publisert på de nordiske punktskriftutvalgenes nettsider og sendes Nordisk råd.

Read more on Nordisk møte 2023…

Statement from the Nordic Braille Committee


The Importance of Braille

Statement from the Nordic Braille Committee

The Nordic Braille Committee is a collaboration between the Braille councils of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland.

On October the 25th and 26th, we gathered in Reykjavik for our annual meeting in the Nordic Braille Committee. At the meeting, we shared news from each country and enjoyed presentations about Braille and mathematics, revision of the Danish Braille code, the bumpy path to make good Braille music on paper, the development of a multi-lined Braille display intended for images and a presentation manifesting the usability and necessity of Braille for blind people in all aspects of life. All of this together resulted in a wish to communicate the need for Braille as we do below.

Read more on Statement from the Nordic Braille Committee…